Parsnips nutritional facts
Parsnips nutritional facts

Indians even took to growing parsnip and thus they spread throughout the United States. Colonist brought them with them to Virginia and 20 years later parsnips were very common in Massachusetts. Later it was introduced into England during 16th century. Parsnip was a poor man’s food much as potatoes because they were comparatively productive and stored for a long time. Parsnip were illustrated in Germany in 1542 and called Pestnachen, a German form of the Roman word for parsnip, pastinaca. The Roman word for parsnip was pastinaca. Parsnips are believed to be native to the eastern Mediterranean area including the Caucasus. You can still find parsnips as a main vegetable dish in many nations of Europe, particularly in the United Kingdom, where “neeps and tatties” (parsnips and potatoes) is one of the most famous dishes in Scotland. It was even used as a sweetening agent for foods before cane sugar became a major import to Europe. The roots are generally harvested when they reach about six to ten inches in length, by pulling an entire plant along with its root (uprooting) as in carrots. Flesh is usually cream-colored and has slightly celery-like fragrance and sweet and peppery taste. Parsnip root is smooth, fleshy, cylindrical, but some cultivars have a more bulbous shape and are yellowish white color and similar to the carrot in appearance. The leaves of the plant are also edible and may be cooked and eaten as a vegetable. The parsnip root is primarily eaten as a root vegetable after cooking. Parsnips are sweet, succulent underground taproots closely related to the carrot family of vegetables. Seeds are normally pale brown, oval or globose, narrowly winged. They are straw to light brown colored, and measure 4 to 8 mm (0.16 to 0.31 in) long. The flower later produces fruits, or schizocarps, which are oval and flat, with narrow wings and short, spreading styles. The plant produces yellow flowers are in a loose, compound umbel measuring 10 to 20 cm (4 to 8 in) in diameter and is found blooming from June to September.

parsnips nutritional facts

Leaflets are yellowish-green, shiny, oblong, coarsely toothed, and diamond-shaped. Leaves are once- or twice-pinnate with broad, ovate, sometimes lobed leaflets with toothed margins they grow up to 40 cm (16 in) long. It has erect, glabrous to sparsely hairy, angular and furrowed stem with a rosette of leaves. The plants normally reach 2-5 feet (0.6-1.5 meters) tall and have deep taproot that is thick and fleshy and can grow between 10 and 23 cm (4–9 in) in length. Moist to mesic and fertile loamy soil is preferable for better growth of the plant.


It is found growing in cool temperate climate and prefers full or partial sun. Parsnip, Pastinaca sativa, is an herbaceous biennial plant in the family Apiaceae grown for its edible taproot resembling a pale carrot. Harris Model Parsnips, All American Parsnips, Hollow Crown Parsnips, Cobham Marrow Parsnips and The Student Parsnips are some of the popular varieties of Parsnip which is grown throughout the world. It is closely related to carrots and parsley, and for that reason, it is often mistaken for carrots in historical records. It is a root vegetable that is native to Eurasia and has been used extensively in that region since ancient times. The word Parsnip is from the Latin ‘pastus’ meaning food and ‘sativa’ meaning cultivated.

parsnips nutritional facts parsnips nutritional facts parsnips nutritional facts

It is a sweet, succulent underground taproots closely related to the carrot family. Parsnip is a member of umbelliferae (Apiaceae) family, in the genus, Pastinaca and is actually a relative of the carrot, parsley, celeriac, cumin, dill and parsley root.

Parsnips nutritional facts